We fabricate framed custom vanity mirrors in every size - and can help you create just the right size for your bathroom. We work with the outside measurement - in that way we know it will properly fit the area in your bathroom.
Bathroom Mirror Frames In Many Widths
Shop Less than 1 inch to over 4 inches wide.
Bathroom Mirrors
Outside Frame Size
Shop Very Small 12" x 12"
To Extra Large 108" x 78"
Our Mirrors - Framed Or Frameless - Are Premium Clear High Quality Mirrors And Work Great When Placing Above A Bathroom Vanity. We Finish The Edges In your Choice Of A Traditional Flat Polished Or Beveled Edge.
DIY Paint - Stain - Match Decor
Many Styles - Unfinished Mirrors
Custom Frameless Three Panel Mirrors
Any Size - Full length Or Counter Top
Although we show hundreds of frames on our website, we have many more options. Please contact us
if you cannot find a style or size you need.